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Savings Tracker - Coloring Sheet

This simple to use savings tracker will help you build your emergency fund and prepare for life's what-ifs.

One way to make sure that your emergency fund is on track is to track your progress. And tracking it visually can really help. That’s why I’ve created a printable coloring sheet that can help you track your emergency fund savings.

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    Pellentesque ut euismod sem. Etiam iaculis varius metus vel sodales. Fusce venenatis, elit in convallis feugiat, risus augue tempus urna, ut sodales tortor metus posuere ante.
    Pellentesque ut euismod sem. Etiam iaculis varius metus vel sodales. Fusce venenatis, elit in convallis feugiat, risus augue tempus urna, ut sodales tortor metus posuere ante.